Our partners

Our project is proud to work alongside a diverse group of partners who share our commitment to create welcoming communities for immigrants in the Nordic countries. Our partners include civil society organizations, businesses, and government agencies that bring a wealth of expertise and resources to our work.

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Meet the partners

Educational technology

Claned is a digital learning platform that serves as an online classroom for creating effective online courses, from corporate training to university classes. 

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Integration support

EntreCom is a social enterprise that promotes the well-being, self-employment, and integration of international talents in Finland. 

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Liberal adult education

Folkuniversitetet operates in multiple European countries. Their regional offices are linked to universities, allowing them to offer research-based knowledge to the public, businesses, and organizations.

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Entreprenurship promotion

Oslo International Hub (OIH) is a project manager that supports the development of international professionals and migrant entrepreneurs in Norway. 

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Social innovation

Impact Hub Agder (IHA) is a non-profit sustainability centre with seminars, workshops, programs and collaborations aimed to create a more sustainable region. 

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Social innovation

Impact Hub Stockholm provides a collaborative and diverse space for social innovation, enabling businesses with far-reaching positive social impact to be created for future generations.

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Social entrepreneurs

Sociale Entreprenorer i Danmark works to promote social entrepreneurship and social enterprises.

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Sustainable development

The Sustainability Collaborative is a sustainability consultancy firma with a team of experts who are dedicated to addressing ecological and social challenges.

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